Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Ok, since I couldn't get the image to load that was part of a press release-yes I seem to be getting a lot of those now that I am "the press"-you'll all just have to go to the website to see the image.
The artist, while it said in the release that he was from Yolo, Colo (there isn't a Yolocolo either, haha) but there is a Yolo, California. He does wood block prints with painted with watercolor mediums. The prints are kind of silly, but really interesting, espically when you look at them as prints. Kind of reminds me of my wife and I's printmaking teacher at SDSU, only his prints were really bizzar forms. ( And yes De and Lee, he did go to the U.
Monday, October 16, 2006
The Great Pumpkin...eater

I was up in Webster, SD this weekend-celebrating my father-in-laws birthday, when Erica, Chris-our nephew-sitting to my right, and I went to the pumpkin days celebration. We entered the contest, and I ended up winning.
But it might have been because I could hide the pie in my beard-they were all about the same color.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday the 13th
"What is six times seven" is posed as the question to the answer to life, the universe and everything (42). This is true in base 13, although this was merely coincidence according to author Douglas Adams
Every book in A Series of Unfortunate Events has 13 chapters, and it has been reported that there will be 13 books in the series when it is finished.
The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo, an animated TV series where the venerable cartoon dog finds and opens a chest containing 13 of the most powerful ghouls in the world, and is charged with putting them back.
..and Scooby got all of the ghosts back, just in case you were wondering.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
A really bad one
I might rot forever for this one.. but I can't help it.
What happens when Kermit the Frog has too much to drink?
I just can't stop myself, I really can't
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Time off
For once since we've been back we have done nothing this weekend...that is unless you call going to Charo on Friday night, church and having my parent's over for pizza and watching Dr. Who on saturday...nothing. But then sunday, we really did nothing, I even took a nap while watching Godzilla. Erica is still not feeling any better, and it's probably not helping that the baby (still just "a baby", no gender yet) is finding new things to kick. and times to do it. Although I'm pretty sure that I did feel it give a good kick, and I didn't even have to poke it!