The Knippling

Matt, Erica, Liam and Jillian. The new Fantastic Four!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Like a weed

And we didn't think that he was growing that much.

His cousin, Alexis, was 7lbs 6 oz. so about 6.5 oz less than Liam when he was born. We haven't had him weighed since he was at 8 lbs 5 oz and that was at least last week. Not on exact times anymore because if its not a feeding time then I don't really have a very good concept of what day or time it is.

And you thought that you had a shit job...

Erica used to work for Sioux Valley Hospital in Sioux Falls, but after a donation from Dennis Sanford they renamed everything Sanford Hospital (he dontaed 400 million).

So she used to work in the Sioux Valley Hospital Information Technologies.

But now its Sanford Hospital Information Technologies....

Ok I just can't resist, I have to make it painfull apparent that the abbreviation would be S.H.I.T


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Let sleeping babies lay

Liam sleeping a hard night off. I think this was the night that he woke up at 130 am and ate 3 oz, and then kept fussing, so tried some more food and then after and other 2 oz at about 330 am went to sleep.

But he is really doing good about sleeping most of the night...wakes up, diaper change, eats and then falls back to sleep...has even made it about 5 hours inbetween.