The full name...
When your a child, you never want to hear those three words muttered. ERICA LYNN BLOOD. and in that tone that parents do ohh so well. We have all heard that tone...and if you haven't...did you have ANY fun as a child? Growing up i heard that a lot, and the only possible outcome of those words being muttered was A. They caught me in the middle of doing something. B. They saw the aftermath of what i had did. or C. The finally realized that it IMPOSSIBLE for my little sister to have done what i blamed her earlier for. Yes i was one of those kids. The bad part is I look back at that and laugh, i was so cool even then! The only problem is that you begin to develop a fear of hearing someone say your full name. Today Matt called me by my first name. Matt typically doesn't call me anything, I think he knows that i will be here for him so he feels no need to give me recognition for being here. No little "Hi Erica" or Good morning sweetie" or "hewo my wittle wuv bunny" hahaha (I call Matt babes for some reason...i think that hottie mystery man is just to long of a name to announce everytime. That's more for social occasions) Now, I don't mind being called by my first name at all, but when mixed with the tone made me feel like a little kid again, like i had done something wrong, and he had finally figured it out. What a way to feel around your future husband....DON"T say my name... Dear Lord, I hope I grow out of this phase! :)
Note to self: Do Not under any circumstance call your children by their full names. Instead make only a serious of high pitch squeaks, clicks and whistles. This will teach them to behave not only around just you but in public where the noises would otherwise draw even more attention to them.